To be in God’s Presence
Chapel is open Monday through Friday 7 AM to 7 PM.
On Thursdays after 12 Noon Mass there is exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 6 PM when Reposition is done.
Anointing of the Sick
Please contact the rectory, so we can have someone visit or anoint you.
Second Sunday of the Month in English (Tuesday Class Prior to Baptism at 7:00 PM in Mother Angela Commons)
Tercer Domingo del Mes en Español (Clase el Martes
Anterior al Bautismo a las 7:00 PM en la Sala Mother Angela)
Saturday: 4:00 PM (or Anytime by Appointment)
Please come to the church to speak with the priest at least a year prior to the wedding date.
Miraculous Medal Novena
First Thursday: 7 PM
(Except January, July, August and December)
Other Services
Rosarian Meeting - First Thursday at 8:00 PM after Miraculous Medal Novena at Mother Angela Commons
Holy Name Society - First Sunday 7:30 AM Mass in Church
Where You Can Find Spiritual Guidance and Enlightenment
Strengthen your Christian faith along with the members of Saint Francis de Sales. We are a Roman Catholic church located in Lodi, New Jersey that shares the good news of the Lord with everyone.
Here, we encourage people to join us as we grow spiritually. We offer different services and programs designed to bring all of us closer to God. Browse the site or contact us for more details!